assalamu'alaikum warahmatuLlahi wabarakatuh and good day to everyone..

i was in adelaide last time, just after i finished my final sem in uni (what!)
hmmm,ops.. sorry! i was not clear enough,don't get confuse mate! my final sem for my first year degree..

adelaide is well known as a passive city compared to melbourne andextremely less busy than my 'all-i-want-is-your-money' city, which issydney. adelaide, for me is not too bad, even for some people, adelaideseems to be dry and dull to them. for me, heavy entertainments andnaughty lifestyle (which are closely related to sydney and melbourne)are not the main reasons for me to start and live my life to thefullest.
alhamdulillah, everything went good and i was so amazed with thekindness and generosity that were given by my fellow brothers inadelaide, jazakumulLahu khair..

may Allah rewards them with all His blessings and make their paths of life easier.. enjoy some photos then buddy!

pink? just fits my life really well. portraying a lovely person..agree?

housemate yang rock.. Allahu yubarik fik sahabah! 

it was really red-riched strawbery. my evergreen favourite.

without using anykind of DSLR.. amazed?

introducing, my super genius friend, IR Syafiq Husni

ini saja yang adelaide ada, dull but secure.. hehehe sorry adelaideans

pelajar2 tokoh suatu ketika dulu di SASER

kenangan bersama geologist muda berjiwa matang.. Allahu yubarik fik sahabah!

please say it is beautiful.hee~

Adelaide, the festival state.

i was once really admired this uni. But, certainly, usyd is significantly better.

that’s all for now. salam~

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